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How To Create A Digital Marketing Plan

We all know how powerful the web can be to transform our business. But how do you know what is the plan to take?

In this blog post, we’ll talk about a plan and how to construct one.

If you’d rather watch how I constructed my own you can do so here.

STEP ONE: BUSINESS MODEL - business plan

Before you can figure out how to create a digital marketing plan you first need to create a business model so you can visually see what steps you need to take to start seeing success.

If you’re into marketing then you might have heard about Ryan Deiss & The Million Dollar Napkin. Essentially he basically writes his whole business model down on a single napkin. And the point here is if you can’t create a business plan that is so simple that it will fit on a single napkin then maybe you are overthinking it.


Of course, if you don’t have a whiteboard you can draw it out on paper or whatever you have available. Just make sure you draw it out so that you can have a precise vision of what it would look like.

Everything needs to be accounted for.

Such as:

  • What are you going to sell
  • Who are you going to sell it to
  • what types of ways are you going to sell it

Once you figure out the basic stuff then you can add in the more detailed things that you will need to put this into action.

Such as:

  • Where are you going to sell it (eg. your own website, a platform such as Warrior Plus or JVZoo or some other platform where you can host it)
  • How will you automate most of the process from promoting it to following up with your new buyers
  • What autoresponder service will you choose (there are many) so you can maintain a good connection and relationship with your buyers to market to them again so that they become repeat buyers and loyal fans


After everything is drawn out and you have all the details figure in you can not put the plan into action so that you can work out any kinks that may occur.

This will be a long-drawn-out process that could take a few weeks, months, are even a full year to see how things develop.

But if you see that things are not working after a few weeks it may be time to tweak things here and there to make sure everything is flowing effortlessly.

If your plan doesn’t work out the first time don’t worry almost nobodies do. You will face failures just like everybody else, but just remember never try and reinvent the wheel.

If a plan works the first time don’t try and tinker with it too much as you may very well break it. Don’t fix what isn’t broken as they say.

If you are a complete newbie, I would recommend you get started with a course called Internet Selling For Newbies first, so you stay on the right track.

To sum this all up remember that you’ve got to start somewhere so make sure you are actually doing something you are really passionate about so that it doesn’t get boring for you which could lead to you giving up on it.

Stick to niches that you really love so you can overcome all obstacles that get in your path.

With that being said, I wish you luck on which ever endeavor you choose to go with.

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