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Why Email Marketing Is Effective

Here’s why email marketing is effective for every marketer that I know.

It not only helps with your brand awareness but it’s also the best way to increase your sales and conversions.

Here’s a simple question. What do you do on your phone most of all when you wake up?

Besides checking your Facebook page or watching YouTube videos, what else do you do?

Check your email right!

Because you want to see what’s going on in the world. You want to know if there are any sales or if any new products are coming out.

Are maybe you want to check out if any new movies are coming soon.

The truth is, despite all of the bots out there and all the other forms of communications, email will never go away. It’s here to stay and research proves it.

Email Users Keep Growing And Growing

According to Statista, In 2018, global email users amounted to 3.8 billion and is set to grow to 4.4 billion users in 2023.

Another reason why email marketing is effective is that it helps business owners and customers stay connected.

In an article by Nielsen, they state that 75% of American adults are omni-shoppers—buying both online and offline. This means there is a greater chance that most of these shoppers were sent emails about those products that they purchased.

Email Marketing Is Inexpensive

Email Marketing Is Inexpensive Compared To The ROI You Can Receive

Another reason why email marketing is effective is that it keeps the cost down. Depending on the type of email service that you use will determine the cost per consumer.

But if you have your own dedicated server then you are not paying a monthly fee for your autoresponder service, thus allowing business owners to real a large number of consumers for pennies on the dollar.

Well, that pretty much sums it up on Why Email Marketing Is Effective in my opinion.

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