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6 Best Traffic Sources For Marketing In 2020

Although I’ve been in marketing for 20+ years now. Traffic trends come and go. And what worked a few years ago is no longer working today as it use to back then.

So here are 6 best traffic sources that I’ve found over the last few years of doing marketing online that are still working well in 2020.

YouTube Ads
YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads are one of the 6 best traffic sources for marketing in 2020 because they are responsible for the success of many marketers today and they are all using the Mega Video Platform to Cash in.

But make no mistake, if you do them wrong you can waste a lot of money. So if YouTube Ads are something you want to conquer then you need a good strategy to use like 10m YouTube Ads that show you how to scale your YouTube Ads from $0 To $100k/mo in 30 Days.

As you already know YouTube is the number 1 most visited website as of 2019 in the US as shown on with a monthly Traffic rate of (1,705,778,109).

But if YouTube Ads are not your thing you can still get free traffic from YouTube as well. But there is a hard way and an easy way. One of the easiest ways to do it would be the way they teach in Creatox where you can make money from YouTube without creating your own videos.

The total number of people who use YouTube – 1,300,000,000. 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day. YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day. Even more now as this statistic was from Dec 13, 2017, according to

Thumbnail Blaster – Get More Clicks On Your YouTube Thumbnails

So as you can see YouTube is a great first place to start getting some traffic. Personally, it’s my favorite place because it’s where everyone hangs out at. You are bound to find your specific audience there looking for what you have.

Google Ads

Google Ads

Google Ads is another one of the 6 best traffic sources for marketing online in 2020. Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, video content, and generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users.

Now if this is your first crack at using Google Ads it may get a bit confusing on the platform if you are new to this. It may even be a challenge for you to create your first Google Ad.

In that case, I would recommend that you get some good Google Ad training first before attempting it on your own. This way you won’t lose unnecessary money because you don’t know what the hell you are doing.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Facebook is another one of the 6 best traffic sources for marketing online in 2020.

1.66 billion people on average log onto Facebook daily and are considered daily active users (Facebook DAU) for December 2019. This represents a 9 percent increase year-over-year according to

Facebook is a great place to find highly targeted traffic. However, you don’t want to do affiliate marketing there as it’s easy to get hit with the band hammer. Facebook much prefers you to promote real businesses such as services or physical products.

Here are just a few facts about Facebook according to SproutSocial.

  • Users, 65 years and older are the fastest-growing group on Facebook
  • Fewer teens are using Facebook now than in previous years
  • Only 10% of Facebook users live in the US or Canada
  • 74% of Facebook users are high-income earners
  • 1.62 billion users visit Facebook daily
  • 88% of Facebook users are on the platform to stay in contact with friends and family

Facebook makes it easy for you to get started advertising, but there is still a bit of a learning curve if you want your ads to be successful and turn over an ROI. So again I recommend you get some training on how to do Facebook Ads the right way such as how Facebook Ads University teaches with easy to follow videos. That way you won’t be losing money left and right and know exactly what to do.


Pinterest is another one of the 6 best traffic sources for marketing in 2020 that is on my list. I took a really good course a while back on marketing on Pinterest called EZ Pin Traffic Reloaded and it was really killer. Man, I learned a lot from that one. I now get like 3.6k monthly views already.

According to Hootsuite, Pinterest averages a $4.30 gross return for every $1 spent on ads. In terms of ROI, that’s $2 in profit for every advertsising dollar, according to a 2017 study by Analytic Partners.

Pins that feature life moments experience a 22% life in sales. And Pinterest is forecast to grow ad revenue by 40% in 2019. So now that we are in 2020 I’m sure that will only increase.

Email Marketing
Email Marketing

Yet another one of the 6 best traffic sources for marketing online in 2020. This is by far in my opinion the best traffic source you can get for your money spent. Once you have your email list built up you can then market to them over and over again delivering the best bang for your buck.

Secret Email System by Matt Bacak

Again there is a learning process to become successful with email marketing and there is a lot of people that get this all wrong.

Such as:

  • Segmentation
  • Optimization
  • Autoresponder Set Up
  • Building an Optin Page
  • How to write effective emails
  • List maintenance
  • And much more

As you can see there is a lot to take in and that’s just a short list.

And you know what? Email Marketing of today v/s yesterday, kind of reminds me of a good article I recently read. It’s about how Dads of Today Differ From Prior Generations. You can check out that article below if you’re interested. It’s a good one…

how do todays das differ from prior
How Do Today’s Dads Differ From Prior Generations?

A while back I got certified as an email marketing specialist among other certifications (see all of them here) from Digital Marketer HQ (a company by Ryan Deiss) and I had to learn all of this before I became successful with it.

So I created a training course called Email Marketing Made Simple to help others break through that learning curve barrier so that they can start seeing quick results.

As email will always be the back bone of any business to me it’s the best traffic source you can have.

Organic Search Traffic
Organic Search Traffic

And the last of the 6 best traffic sources for marketing online in 2020 is Organic Searches.

Of course, we all know what this means, but for those out there that do not. It simply means when someone goes to a search engine (like and searches for a topic. Then a bunch of links to sites come up and they click one that seems like the best candidate for their search topic. Once they arrive on that site, the owner just received a visitor through organic traffic search. Meaning the site owner did not pay for them to come to their site through advertisements, the visitor just found the site by searching.

To some, this may be the best traffic source of all because it’s free.

But it takes a lot of hard work to build it up to that level using SEO and other techniques. You have to get your sites to rank high enough to start receiving good results in the search engines. And that takes time and much effort especially if you don’t know what you are doing.

But there are ways that can get your sites to rank faster and you can even make a lot of money creating niche sites if you do it right. And again this is where training comes in for this type of thing. You want to find someone that does this for a living to teach you the right way to do it.

In this case, I recommend WP Affiliate Suite a complete A-Z affiliate training course that shows you how to rank affiliate sites using WordPress.

Well… that’s going to wrap up my list of the 6 best traffic sources for marketing in 2020.

If you are going to be using traffic the best way to get people to pay attention is to use Explainer Videos.

Why You Need An Explainer Video

And last but not least, I think it’s important that you understand the statistics of Social Media to better utilize that traffic in 2022, so here’s an article all about that called 10 Social Media Statistics You Need to Know in 2022!

Ronnie Rokk Smith

Why You Need An Explainer Video

Do I really need an explainer video?

And I bet you asked yourself that a million times right?

And the simple answer to that is… “Everyone Needs An Explainer Video”

Well… I mean…everyone with a product or service to offer that is…



Explainer videos basically take all of the guesswork
out of explaining the usefulness and basic functionality
of a product or service.

And not only that, but it also draws in your potentials customers
by simply explaining exactly what your product or service
can do for them and why your product or service is better
then the competition.

Buy the way, did you know that Explainer videos are the leading
cause for closing 90% of all online sales?

Yep, it’s true!



Explainer videos are not only an excellent marketing tool, but it’s also great for: 

  • Grab Audience Attention
  • Increase Conversion Rates
  • Boost Sales
  • Generate Increased Interest
  • Rank Better In Google Search
  • Increase Web Traffic
  • Easily Shareable

So maybe it’s time (shaking head yes) that you get an explainer for
your product or service.

Check out some samples here from USA DIGI.

Once you get your explainer done it’s always good to know where to find the best traffic sources right?

Here are 6 Best Traffic Sources For Marketing In 2020