6 White Label Software & Services You Can Resell And Make Money In 2021

There’s no doubt that software products are hot.
Everybody seems to be looking for a way to make money from home these days because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
And software with white label rights seems to be the easiest way to get someone started online.
In this case, we are talking about a product called WhiteLabelify!
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WhiteLabeify is a new product that is launching in the marketing space on Warrior Plus by Cristian Toader & Ronnie Rokk Smith (me) to give those out there a chance to jump into the software biz with pretty much everything done for them.
Of course nothing is 100% done for you, so this is more like 95% done for you as you still have to set up the products with your own brand name and payment integrations and then start drving traffic to your products.
But other than that, it’s all ready to go. Including hosting, so you don’t even need a website! It’s pretty much plug-n-play.
What Is White Label Rights?
White-label products and services that are re-brandable, re-sellable items that are produced by one company to be rebranded and resold by another company. The person that buys a white label product can re-sell it as their own product to their own customers.
Here’s A List Of All The Products Included In WhiteLabelify

DFY Bonus Page Builder

DFY Thumbnail

DFY Logo

DFY Social Apps

DFY Simple Ads

Surprise Product

WhiteLabelify PRO

When you upgrade to WhiteLabelify PRO (monthly upgrade) you get 2 extra products to sell with white label rights as well as some advanced features.
Here’s what’s included in WhiteLabelify Pro:
- DFY Ads Pro Product
- DFY Offer Pages Product
- Support Ticket System
- Email Swipes
- Your Own Training System
- Custom Bonuses
DFY Ads Pro

DFY Offer Pages

That is all 6 products in WhiteLabelify but there is one upsell that is available as well and it’s called DFY Bundle.
DFY Bundle Puts All The Products Together Under One Roof

All The Software
Benefits Of Using DFY Bundle
All 6 Products In One Membership Site
Imagine now having all 6 Cloud-Based Apps under one dashboard for your customers to start using immediately. Now they won’t have to log into multiple account to use the software as they are all in the same dashboard. Login once, and start using the apps!
Hosted For You
No need to worry about expensive hosting fees as DFY Bundle is already hosted for you all you have to do is fill in your details and go!
Manage All Your Customers In One Place
One big advantage about DFY Bundle is that you can manage all your products, customers, and analytics all in one place.
Now Is The Time To Get Started Online With WhiteLabelify
WhiteLabelify makes it easier than ever to start your own business online. It’s pretty much all done for you already.
Just pick up the software, re-brand it to your liking with your own product names and logo, add your payment details and your good to go!
If this sounds like something that’s a no brainer to you then I would recommend picking this up ASAP, because these types of products can get oversaturated quickly as everyone will be selling them. And to avoid that scenario we will stop selling them after so many copies are sold.