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How To Make A Podcast Cover

If you have no skills we can make your Podcast Cover Art for you here!

Here are a few easy steps on how to make a podcast cover

STEP 1: There are many programs you can use to create a podcast cover. Such as Photoshop (PAID) , Adobe Spark (FREE), Canva (FREE), and many others out there. Those are my 3 favorites.

STEP 2: You can pick one of the templates or create your own from scratch. According to Apple Podcast, you should show artwork for your podcast must meet these technical specifications. Use our show cover template to ensure your artwork looks great on Apple Podcasts: Size: 3000 x 3000 pixels. Note: If you’re submitting your show via RSS feed, Apple Podcasts accepts show cover artwork ranging from 1400 x 1400 to 3000 x 3000 pixels. The largest size is preferred.

STEP 3: Download your artwork and upload it to the podcasting software of your choice. There are many to choose from such as:

What If I don’t have any graphic design skills?

Not everyone was born a graphic designer. But there are templates on the graphic sites we mentioned in Step 1. All you have to do is pick a template and edit it to your liking. However, as I said even with a template at your disposal that still doesn’t guarantee that you gonna create an eye-popin cover. I mean, you might pick a font that just doesn’t work well for your branding. Or you might choose an image that just doesn’t jump out.

If you like to have a professional graphic designer design your podcast cover I will give you few choices to choose from below:

Either way you choose to go, creating your own design or hiring a professional to do it for you, I hope you got some good info from reading my blog post.

What are the benefits of starting your own podcast in 2021?

The first benefit I can think of off the top of my head is that the reason people love podcast so much is that they are in the audio format. This allows people to listen and learn while doing other productive things such as house hold chores, morning commuting, errands, or even browsing the web.

Many people don’t realize that they can actually earn money from doing podcasting. There are many different ways to monetize your content from your podcast such as:

  • Selling advertising on your daily/weekly show
  • Selling e-books or audiobooks
  • Building your email list then promoting affiliate products
  • Building your brand to get more trust from future customers
  • Fan donations
  • Sponsorship deals
  • And much much more

Of course, getting into podcasting should not be just something you want to do to earn money, because if that’s what it all boils down to, you might not make any money with it at all.

You know how the old saying goes … “If you love what you do, you can make the most money from it!” So if you are doing podcasting just to make money and you don’t love it, it will start to feel like work to you and sooner or later you are going to end up quitting.

One of the big benefits of having a podcast is that you can really build up your authority up in a particular niche. This will help you in the long run as those that listen to your daily/weekly podcast will trust you more and later end up buying what ever you have to offer down the road.

Advice tips when starting a podcast

A few advice tips that I would give you before you start your first podcast would be:

  • Pick one niche for your podcast – start the podcast on what you know best and just pick one niche for it. If you just start creating random content out of context of what your first episode was about, your audience will become confused and have no clue what your show is all about.
  • Keep your shows consistent – make sure your audience knows exactly when your shows air. What day and what time. This way they can become accustomed as to when to look for your new shows.

Remember, everyone likes to belong to a tribe, and if they don’t know what you are about, then it’s likely they won’t stick around for the next episodes you put out.

If you are serious about getting started with podcasting I recommend you start with See my podcast here on, It’s a great platform that allows you to create podcasts using your phone if you don’t have recording equipment.

Plus, they even pay you as people listen to your podcast. And they also distribute your podcast to 8 other podcasting platforms for you. I listed them above In this blog under Step 3. It’s pretty awesome. I explain everything in the video below and how to get started.