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3 Blogging Secrets Used By Super Affiliates

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Here Are 3 Blogging Secrets Used By Super Affiliates

Do you ever wonder how super affiliates turn their blogs into money-making machines? Do you feel like if you only knew some of their secrets you could be successful with blogging?

Well … today I’m gonna share 3 of those secrets with you. And once you find out just how easy the Blogging Secrets Used By Super Affiliates are to implement you’ll want to start using them immediately.


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Pop Ups Are One Of The Best Ways To Capture Leads Or Promote Other Offers

There is no doubt that Pop-Ups can get annoying to some. But the fact of the matter is they just flat out work.

Pop-ups such as:

  • on page load
  • exit pop-ups

Are one of the best ways to capture leads or promote other affiliate product offers.

For example, you send out an email with a teaser from your blog post to your list. They click-through and come to your blog to check it out. After reading the blog they decided not to buy your affiliate offer.

In this case, you can have an exit pop-up redirecting to another offer or lead-magnet to another offer.

Which simply doubles your chances of making a sale.

2) Engaging & Building Relationships

Engaging & Building Relationships With Your List

Super affiliates focus on engaging and building relationships with their prospects because they know if their prospects know, like, and trust them they will buy just about anything from them.

They use what is called “infotainment” which is just a term where you offer them info about something but at the same time you’re entertaining your readers.

To achieve this they’ll use:

  • Jokes
  • Like-hearted stories
  • A conversational style of writing

3) Mobile Responsive Blogs

mobile responsive website - 3 blogging secrets used by super affiliates -
Having A Mobile Responsive Blog Is A Must

Super affiliates use responsive design themes on their blogs. Because they all know that not everyone is using a desk top these days.

In fact, many use laptops, tablets or smartphones for online use. So it’s a smart move to make sure your blog theme has maximum readability across a wide variety of device and screen sizes.

This will keep your visitors reading and ultimately buying!