To make the scroll work you need to do three things. 1. Download the plugin and activate it. 2. Open the menu settings under the regualr WordPress dashboard. Click on "Appearance" and choose "Menu" In my case I used the "Custom Links" to make my "Pricing" menu link and then I added the code below as the link url: #pricing Then I dragged it in the my main header Menu. What ever you want name it, it has to match the same name as in the quotes in the code in number 3 below. ex. If I wanted the make the link scroll down to a buy now button on the page. In step two I would creat the custom link and put #buynow as the url link and for Link Text I would put Buy Now then I would put the code below right above the buy now button on the page and would use this html code 3. In OP 3.0 drag in the HTML code element from the elements tab, then open it up and add the code below where you want the page to scroll down to